Ven. Master Hinlun, If greed, anger, and ignorance are the very profound reasons that determined who we are and also for which we're trying to get rid of? Then would it not also be wrong to greed for Buddha Dharma since that greed still exists in our mind (we're only shifting from one place to the other; we've not completely let go yet)? Would you please shed some light on these viewpoints? Thank you. |
請勿混淆「精進」與「貪」。染著順於自心的五欲之境而無厭,名之為貪。如貪財、貪色、名、食、睡。 貪是「十使」之一,能驅使眾生造業,故名為使。 貪是思惑煩惱,能蓋覆我們的心性而不能生起善法。例如因貪財物而不肯布施,以致世世無布施之福。有業無福,其苦可知。 法華經云:「諸苦所因,貪欲為本。若滅貪欲,(苦則)無所依止。」佛遺教經又云:「若有智慧,則無貪著。」是故智慧能滅貪欲。惟是智慧必須從佛法中求。 讀經、聽經、拜佛、坐禪等能使智慧現前。但不可以一曝十寒,必須勇猛精進。 精進與貪,前者使智慧現、無明斷,令人超凡入聖。後者令人流轉於六道的苦輪中,受苦不息。 |